Monday, February 22, 2010

Important Command

1. Computer is Shutdown with DOS Command.
Ans: -
First of all we open DOS Window (To open DOS window then type Command in Run Window (cmd) and then ok then DOS window are appear on it.) and then type command
First Command: - shutdown space –s
Second Command: - tsshutdn space then type minute and the press Enter button then your computer has been shutdown.
2. Computer is Logoff with DOS Command.
Ans: -
First of all we open DOS Window (To open DOS window then type Command in Run Window (cmd) and then ok then DOS window are appear on it.) and then type command logoff and the press Enter button then your computer has been Logoff.
3. To flash message in DOS command.
Ans: -
First of all we open DOS Window (To open DOS window then type Command in Run Window (cmd) and then ok then DOS window are appear on it.) and then type command msg space Username and the press Enter button then Enter to message send, end message to press ctrl + z on a new line and then enter, then message has been flash.
4. To find how many directory or subdirectory in your Drive with DOS command.
Ans: -
First of all we open DOS Window (To open DOS window then type Command in Run Window (cmd) and then ok then DOS window are appear on it.) and goes on Specified Drive (find Dir or SubDir) and then type command tree and the press Enter button then display all dir or subDir in your Drive.
1. To open DOS window and then open another DOS window with DOS Command.
Ans: -
First of all we open DOS Window (To open DOS window then type Command in Run Window (cmd) and then ok then DOS window are appear on it.) and then type command start and press Enter button then another DOS Window are appear on it.
2. To execute SQL command with the help of DOS and DOS command.
Ans: -
First of all we open DOS Window (To open DOS window then type Command in Run Window (cmd) and then ok then DOS window are appear on it.) and then type command sqlplus and then press enter then oracle server has been start and then enter User name and password then connect to the oracle server, so then execute command in PLSQL and SQL.
3. To send message on Computer to another with DOS command.
Ans: -
First of all we open DOS Window (To open DOS window then type Command in Run Window (cmd) and then ok then DOS window are appear on it.) and then type command net space send space IP Address or Computer name space message with the Double Quote. But to apply net send command first to start service in the messenger.
To start service messenger
First to right click on My Computer
Second click Manage Button
Third Double click on Services and Application
Fourth Double click on Services
Fifth Double click on Messenger
Sixth click on General tab
Seven select on Automatic and then Apply
Eight then Enable start button then click start button and start services.
1. To Copy file one Drive to another drive with the help of DOS Command.
Ans: -
First of all we open DOS Window (To open DOS window then type Command in Run Window (cmd) and then ok then DOS window are appear on it.) and then type command copy space filename with extension space destination location name and the press Enter button then file is copy one location to another.
2. To Format specified Drive with DOS Command.
Ans: -
First of all we open DOS Window (To open DOS window then type Command in Run Window (cmd) and then ok then DOS window are appear on it.) and then type command Format space Drive name with colon symbol without space.
3. To chat with DOS Mode then applies command.
Ans: -
First of all we open DOS Window (To open DOS window then type Command in Run Window (cmd) and then ok then DOS window are appear on it.) and then type winchat command and then another windown appear on it, and then chat with one person to another.
4. To set password in Guest Account.
Ans: -
First of all Run Window (To open Run window then apply windows key + r) and then type compmgmt.msc and click ok then another window are appear on it then System Tools Double click on Local user and groups Users Guest and then right click and click set password and then click proceed button and type password and retry password and then password apply on the Guest Account.
5. To Send message one Login to another Login.
Ans: -
First of all your system has contain two login and then open first login and then open second login without logoff first login and then goes on Task Manager User tab and then show your login and then so you select first login and then right click and then click message and type message or ok. To open first login then message has been appear on it.
1. How to restrict wallpaper or cannot change wallpaper.
Ans: -
First of all Run Window (To open Run window then apply windows key + r) and then type gpedit.msc and click ok then another window are appear on it then goes on Application Template Double click Desktop click Active Desktop Double click Active Desktop wallpaper setting tab and then enable and type wallpaper name click ok.
2. How to software are find any computer configuration.
Ans: -
First: - Show My Pc
Second: - Teamviewer
3. How to calculate % age with $ sign.
Ans: -
=total obtain marks/total subject number*100

4. To make shortcut in Shutdown, Restart, Logoff, Task Manager, Calculator.
Ans: -
First of all we right click on desktop New Shortcut and then type command
a) shutdown space –s space –t space 00
b) shutdown space –r space –t space 00
c) logoff space 00
d) calc space 00
e) taskmgr 00
1. How to find any website physical or IP Address with the help of DOS Commnad
Ans: -
First of all we open DOS Window (To open DOS window then type Command in Run Window (cmd) and then ok then DOS window are appear on it.) and then type Ping space website Name ( and the press enter then IP or Physical Address appear on this DOS window.
2. How to find your system IP Address with the DOS Command.
Ans: -
First of all we open DOS Window (To open DOS window then type Command in Run Window (cmd) and then ok then DOS window are appear on it.) and then type ipconfig/all and the press of enter button then system IP Address are appear on the DOS window.
3. How to know your system is connect in network or not with the DOS command.
Ans: -
First of all we open DOS Window (To open DOS window then type Command in Run Window (cmd) and then ok then DOS window are appear on it.) and then type ping space your system IP Address and the press enter button then answer is display four time reply, reply, reply, reply then your system is connect in network and answer is display four time Request out, Request out, Request out, Request out then your system is not connect in network.
4. How to know your website is forward in how may server.
Ans: -
First of all we open DOS Window (To open DOS window then type Command in Run Window (cmd) and then ok then DOS window are appear on it.) and then type tracert space website Name ( and the press enter button then answer are appear on the DOS window.

5. How to change color in ms-dos back ground and four grounds.
Ans: - First of all we open DOS Window (To open DOS window then type Command in Run Window (cmd) and then ok then DOS window are appear on it.) and then type command color space OA the all back ground and forground color code are appear in dos window the type color space first background code and second type forground code. Ex: - 0A
Some color code are: - 0 = Black 8 = Gray
1 = Blue 9 = Light Blue
2 = Green A = Light Green
3 = Aqua B = Light Aqua
4 = Red C = Light Red
5 = Purple D = Light Purple
6 = Yellow E = Light Yellow
7 = White F = Bright White
6. How to kill running process with ms-dos.
Ans: - First of all we open DOS Window (To open DOS window then type Command in Run Window (cmd) and then ok then DOS window are appear on it.) and then type command taskkill space /pid space pidno then enter then your running process has been kill.
Then you find pid (process id) first you open task manager(ctrl+alt+del) then task manager dialog box are appear on the screen process tab and then click view menu and click select colume and then chose check pid and then ok , then new colume are add in task manage in pid then find pid no in any process in run your system.
7. How to kill running process without PID Number with MS-DOS command.
Ans:- - First of all we open DOS Window (To open DOS window then type Command in Run Window (cmd) and then ok then DOS window are appear on it.) and then type command (taskkill space –im space notepad.exe space –f) then your notepad process has been successfully kill and your program is terminated without PID no.
1. How to show process list in MS-DOS command.
Ans: - First of all we open DOS Window (To open DOS window then type Command in Run Window (cmd) and then ok then DOS window are appear on it.) and then type command
tasklist then all running process task are appear on the DOS window.


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