Tuesday, September 29, 2015

C Programming Test Answer Sheet

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Learn What is operator. Types of operator and How to use Operator in programming language.

Operator is a basic part of the programming language. To perform arithmetical or logical operation inside program then use operator. Operator is used inside the identifier (Name of the variable) and performs a specific type of operation.

To perform sum operation with two identifiers so first declare two identifiers (Name of the variable) and then using plus operator inside both identifiers then use plus operator perform sum operation.

List of operator are use in c programming language.
1.   Arithmetical Operator
2.   Relational Operator
3.   Conditional Operator
4.   Logical Operator
5.   Assignment Operator
6.   Combined Assignment Operator
7.   Bitwise Operator
8.   Unary Operator

 Click Here to below link and download operator program example

Click Here To Download Arithmetical Operator Program