Sunday, September 27, 2015


Documentation Section: - This is an important section. Because you write a C program and mention this section then any one open or view our program and you mention this section then viewer’s are read this section and understand what type of operation are perform in our program or what is the purpose so you write a program.
          So Documentation section is helpful for viewer’s are used this section and easily understand our program. 
1. Documentation section is separate with comment.
2. Compiler ignore documentation section because it is   separated with comment.

Link Section: - This section contains Header File. Header file contain lots of predefine and precompiled function and those function are used to our program. Header file are exists inside system in a specific location. In duration of program creation some predefine function (printf and scanf) are used. At the time of compilation compiler find the predefine function definition section because those definition are exist inside header file. So link section are establish link between exists predefine function in our program to exist predefine function definition in specific header file. So compiler get definition section in header file after linking and add in our program then your program is successfully run. This is a mandatory section of C Programming.

main() Section: - main() is an identifier or name of the function. It is system define function. It is entry point of our program. To mention declaration or executable section behind main() function. Compiler start compilation in main() function. One main() function are exist in our program.
How to use main() function
1.   To declare a main() function
a.   main() function declaration is divided into three part.
          i.   Return type of the function.
          ii.  Name of the function.
          iii. How many argument exist in the function.
main() function declaration example
          int main()
          int main(void)
          void main()
          void main(void)
2.   Function body start with Opening Curly Braces ({).
3.   main() function body is divided into two section.
     a.   Declaration Section
     b.   Executable section
4.   Function body is close with closing braces (}). 

    Write a program to print your name
    Developer Name: - Raushan Kumar
    Date: - 27/09/2015
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    printf("My Name is c programmer");
    return 0;

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